Refai Public School | BORU
➺ Join us to celebrate the 78th Independence Day 🇮🇳 at Refai Public School, Boru 8:00 a.m onwards.
➺ Join us to celebrate the 78th Independence Day 🇮🇳 at Refai Public School, Boru 8:00 a.m onwards.

Contact Us

Contact us


Change is rarely a tectonic, life changing moment. It’s a journey of small but sure steps, defined by grit, determination and a single-minded purpose to succeed. At Refai Public School, you can see how we are managing to change and shape the lives of our children.

We remain eager to play host to people who share our vision of equality and progress. Please feel free to request a visit to the school. It shall be our pleasure and our privilege to share with you a day in the life of our school. We are quite confident that you will be moved by how passion turns dreams into reality.

    School address

    Refai Public School At Village Boru, Taluka Kalol, Dist. Panchmahals, Gujarat, INDIA

    Working Hours

    Pre-Primary Section

    Mon-Fri 8:20-11:30
    Sat-Sun Holiday

    Primary Section

    Mon-Fri 8:20-1:45
    Sat- 8:20-11:35
    Sun- Holiday

    Telephone number

    +91 8160212640

    Office Address

    Refai Academy and Welfare Trust Khanqah-e-Refaia,
    Refai Marg,
    Dandia Bazaar, Vadodara - 390001 Gujarat, INDIA

    Working Hours

    Office working hours

    10:00 to 7:00
    Open all days


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